Energy-Efficient Digital Signage: A Green Solution for Businesses

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Both individuals and brands around the world are becoming increasingly committed to green living. That is, making choices that are energy efficient, sustainable and eco-friendly. This isn’t quite as easy as it sounds, particularly with the ever-growing use of technology for many tasks. The digital signage trend is one that aims to reduce the expenditure of manpower and resources, while also reaching consumers in effective ways. Keep reading for everything you need to know.


Eco-Friendly Trends in Retail Stores

Retailers rely on signage to advertise products, as well as to inform shoppers about special discounts and sales. Traditionally, such advertising was done via paper or cardboard signs, placed in strategic locations, practice that required lots of paper, lots of ink, and someone to swap the signs out, as needed.


With digital signs, retailers can share the same vital details, but can easily customize and update, even from a remote location, without having to reprint the signage. This appeals to consumers, because it saves resources, aligning with their personal goals to take care of the environment.


Saving Paper

When businesses can showcase sales, advertise goods and services, and share other important information with their customers without using paper, it’s an eco-friendly choice that people everywhere are getting behind. Sometimes, a flyer or poster is only relevant for a couple of days, then needs to be replaced with an updated version. By forgoing paper signs in favor of digital ones, businesses can save on paper, ink and labor, while also being able to display current content to their customers.


At the same time, this contributes to the environment by saving transportation and fuel costs, as well as saving plastic. That’s because nothing needs to be delivered – it’s already there on the digital signs. Businesses both large and small can benefit from this green trend, from major hotel chains to tiny boutique stores to entire shopping centers to restaurants and more.


Improving Efficiency

Sustainability isn’t the only reason to use digital signs. They also boost efficiency. Because the world is so fast-paced, businesses have to be quick to keep up. With digital signs, brands are able to update and modify their digital content, even remotely. That makes it easier and more efficient to manage inventory, broadcast sales and promotions and share events and other relevant information.


Signs can be programmed to turn off and on, based on a set schedule. Not only does this save energy, but it also allows retailers to customize their digital displays, sharing the right information and the right time and conserving energy when not in use. That means saving money, but also being sure that the most up to date details will reach the consumers at precisely the right time.


No More Physical Materials

By eliminating the need for more materials every time a sign needs to be changed, brands can commit to taking steps to go green. Not only do physical materials cost a business, but they suck resources and energy, something that doesn’t align with many customers’ sustainability desires. Furthermore, discarded signs are filling up landfills and using more resources to get rid of.


By using digital signs, the need for paper and ink is eliminated. Not only does that save money, but it also appeals to consumers who want to buy from brands who are lowering their carbon footprint and caring for the environment. Being able to advertise an environmentally friendly and sustainable plan, brands are able to attract new customers, as well as retain existing ones.


Other Ways Digital Signage Contributes

There are other important ways that digital signs can be part of a going green strategy, no matter the size of the brand or business. Using a cloud-based system allows businesses to keep all their content in a safe and accessible location, making it so easy to update and change signs from a remote location. This gets rid of the need to print new signs or mail advertisements to their target audience.


Remote management and remote scheduling is efficient, while also requiring virtually no manpower. Not only does this enhance operations, but it also contributes to a lower waste marketing plan. With reasonable pricing and flexible software, all kinds of brands can benefit from adding digital signs to their locations.



The future looks a little greener as more businesses make use of digital signage technology. It’s not only about jumping on the latest trend. It’s also about optimizing resources, eliminating the waste that goes with physical materials, and making sure that customers have the information they need to shop smart. If you’ve never stopped to consider the wonder of a digital display, now is the time to interact with the next one you come across. You can feel good about making informed decisions and contributing to a long-lasting and sustainable future for the environment and the next generation.


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