Guest Opinion: Technology Can Help Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

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Global warming is one of the greatest threats to the future of our planet and the live we lead on it. That’s why we all have a shared responsibility to make positive changes that, together, will make a huge difference. There are may ways we can all lead more sustainable lifestyles, but one of the most impactful areas is using technology to track and reduce our carbon footprints, the emissions associated with the purchases and actions we take in our daily lives.

Although technology has a lot to answer for when it comes to exacerbating the climate crisis, digital tech can also play a pivotal role in combating it. And, as technology becomes more accessible, utilizing it doesn’t have to cost the earth. Here are three important types of technology we can use to reduce our individual carbon footprints.

Smart home devices

Smart home devices are no longer a futuristic concept reserved for the most contemporary homes. There has already been widespread take-up of the technology across the country, and this trend is only likely to continue. In fact, by 2029, it’s expected that 94% of all electricity meters in North America will be ‘smart’, ensuring more consumers can benefit from their energy-saving capabilities.

It isn’t just smart meters that are revolutionizing residential sustainability. There are a plethora of devices on the market, including thermostats, lighting and ovens that all utilize smart technology to reduce energy consumption. These products can learn from household habits to use the home’s energy supply more efficiently, lessening both utility costs and carbon emissions. As technology continues to advance, we can expect smart homes of the future (and the now) to play a central role in lowering residential emissions.

Electric vehicles (EVs)

America is embracing the EV revolution, albeit more slowly than China. While there are still stark differences in different states, collectively the U.S. has the second-most EVs on the road. For many years, drivers of traditional gasoline vehicles demonstrated a reluctance to switch, with ‘range anxiety’ being one of the most commonly cited reasons. With more investment going into the EV market, manufacturers are developing and upgrading their motors to compete with internal combustion engines’ longer ranges. Today, lots of electric cars on the market can offer a comparable range to their gasoline equivalents, lowering one of the key barriers to adoption.

From a carbon footprint perspective, while you do have to consider the impact of manufacturing and charging, EVs produce zero emissions when on the road. In comparison,  an average passenger gasoline-powered vehicle will produce around 4.6 metric tons of CO2 every year. This highlights how big an impact making the switch to electric cars can have on our personal carbon footprints.

Apps and platforms for tracking carbon footprint

Big data analysis enabled by artificial intelligence can also have a huge impact on the corporate world, helping businesses to make more informed decisions about their environmental policies. While on a far smaller scale, data is just as important for helping individuals to make the positive changes that will contribute to important environmental outcomes.

With the help of consumption tracking technology, we’re now able to more accurately calculate our individual emissions, giving us a much clearer breakdown of any eco-offending habits. This allows us to make the necessary adjustments to our lifestyles to help reduce our overall footprint. There are lots of free online tools where you can work out your annual emissions, and these calculators are a great place to start.

However, you might choose to take it one step further by using carbon tracking apps to measure your emissions as you go: Earth Hero and the World Wildlife Fund’s My Footprint apps are two useful choices. Apps like this allow you to set goals and monitor your progress over time, making the mission of reducing your carbon footprint feel more manageable.

Taking responsibility with tech

There are so many ways we can all reduce our carbon footprint, but some methods will align better with your lifestyle than others. Take the time to determine the areas where you think you could most effectively cut back, and utilize the most relevant technologies to help you achieve your carbon goals. Embracing technological solutions is key to helping us address a myriad of environmental challenges and building a healthier planet for us all to enjoy. When we all take care of our own ecological responsibilities, the results reverberate across the globe.

About the Author

After completing his degree in Environmental Sciences, Trevor Gray has blazed a career as a sustainability consultant, helping businesses and individuals to make more eco-conscious decisions.

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